The level and severity of a spinal cord injury has a significant impact on the personal and social challenge ahead. The costs that the individual and his family must bear are high to meet the new needs. For this reason, the Committee has the following aims:
To find targeted funds::
– personal nursing and personal assistance;
– for home and extra-home rehabilitation therapies in clinics and specialised structures;
– occupational therapy in clinics and specialised facilities, domiciliary and extra-domiciliary and specialized structures;
– the purchase of equipment for the performance of rehabilitation therapy and/or employment at home;
– for the study, also with regard to the coverage of costs for accompanying person on the move and/or for tutors for the afternoon study;
– for the purchase of software and aids in general for writing and communication;
– for socialization (also with regard to the attendance of peers), such as extracurricular courses, sports and social activities, and aids for sports activities;
– for travel, such as the purchase of an adaptable wheelchair, and other means or instruments, facilitating movement and access to public and/or private locomotion;
Your donation will contribute to the purchase of:
Berkelbike Pro with Fes
Rollers for indoor use
Fes per upper limb Omni Hi 5
Gloves for handle from tetraplegic
Gloves for autonomous push with carrozina
Electric wheelchair Whill C2
Electric desk adaptable to wheelchair height (standing/sitting position)
These are just a few of the items you will help us buy. The list doesn’t stop there, spread the word!

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IBAN: IT76D0538710901000003430898